About Project

The climate summit in Paris aimed at empowering people / nations / actors of that same civil society, to collaborate and take measures tosustain a sustainable world with a particular emphasis on energy, global warming and durability. It is for this purpose that we firmly believethat all the goals we established for our partnership are completely justified in the international sense, where all participants from the countries involved will exchange experiences and collectively instill a respectful and sustainable behavior towards the planet and environment in students.

The U.N. Sustainable Development Target 6’s newest priority applies to ‘ clean, available water for everyone. ‘ The teaching / training

practices of our collaboration along with the results described above will set new standards for this crucial priority and our aim is to meet the targets of the U.N. Sustainable Development. We want to demonstrate how schools and local communities around Europe can take the lead in achieving Target 6.

As educational suppliers, we, teachers, couldn’t be naive about the threatened future which water holds, we need to take concrete steps to protect water supplies for the younger generations as well. We agree that a very powerful way of achieving this and behaving proactively is by designing the most relevant educational-to-project that will serve as the curriculum that will teach students about its strategic and critical role in life for both the short and long term. In this context, the aim of our collaboration is to establish an integrative as well as a multidisciplinary, realistic and clear teaching method, which can only be accomplished and supplemented by the assistance of all the project partners who will apply the knowledge, experience and competence they possess in different fields of school education.

The fundamental goal of the collaboration unfolds around the central objective of collaborating together with teachers from five different countries to produce a methodological compilation of ‘ good practices` – which in fact will b e a well-designed and well bonded curriculum for students aged between 15-18 years that will focus attention on supporting and enhancing interdisciplinary education.

The program will be structured to help students become conscious of the value of water in fully supporting all life on earth. But nowadays it is also of crucial importance to enable the young generations-beginning with our students-understand how important it is to cultivate, sustain and encourage safe water consumption behaviour. A high priority is to allow students to realize how fragile water supplies are, how rapidly the amount of such a natural resource declines, and to work together to identify means to ensure sustainable management of water.

In addition, the students would also realize how fruitful it is to work together and solve problems or find solutions to a general, fundamental, universal subject, one that creates and preserves living on Earth – water; Water is our reciprocal, global source of life as oceans or any other water source, it also traversing the boundaries of a country into another country, the same `water` being therefore administered by people in different countries.

Throughout this collaboration, we wish to approach the problem of ‘water’ seen from different angles as a crucial natural component for life, with the help of various school subjects. Whilst doing so we want to raise awareness among students of all ages about the need for responsible as well as sustainable environmental attitude and behavior. The project would also provide students with the ability to obtain a concrete and practical knowledge that will eventually help them develop a deeper understanding of science, which otherwise could sound too complex and academic for them in certain respects.


O1. to raise direct participants` and members of local community`s awareness of the core problem of the endangered natural global resourcewater

O2. to raise awareness of responsible consumption and sustainability of the environment within students and regional communities

O3. to establish an online instructional base — educational resources

O4. to strengthen the transversal and cross-sectoral abilities of students, along with their agility, and to properly help them in becoming

successful young learners, qualified for productive future careers

O5. to boost teachers ‘ and students ‘ ability to develop their ICT, communication, and intercultural skills;

O6. to increase students ‘ participation in classrooms, educational activities as well as support them to be more personally engaged in their educational process, contribute with ideas and overcome specific challenges

O7. to foster European values as well as promoting intercultural awareness and unity among Europe’s people